参考 Fourier Analysis by Stein,《数学分析讲义》张友金.

# 前言


n=+Ancosnt+Bnsinnt\sum^{+\infty}_{n=-\infty}A_n\cos nt+B_n\sin nt


本文提及的 可积 指的是 可积或反常绝对可积 ,如果我们说 Riemann 可积,会用 R\mathcal R 表示。

# Fourier 级数的定义

# 指数形式

定义:设 ff[a,b][a,b] 上可积的复值函数, 则定义 ffFourier 级数

f(x)n=+f^(n)e2πinx/Lf(x)\sim \sum^{+\infty}_{n=-\infty}\hat f(n)e^{2\pi inx/L}

其中 ba=L|b-a|=L,且 Fourier 系数

f^(n)=1Labf(x)e2πinx/Ldx\hat f(n)=\dfrac1 L\displaystyle \int^b_a f(x)e^{-2\pi inx/L}\mathrm dx


特别地,设 ff[a,b]=[π,π][a,b]=[-\pi,\pi] 上可积函数,它的 Fourier 级数为

f(x)12πn=+ππf(t)ein(xt)dtf(x)\sim \frac 1{2\pi}\sum^{+\infty}_{n=-\infty}\int ^{\pi}_{-\pi}f(t)e^{in(x-t)}\mathrm dt

# 三角形式

定义:设 ff[a,b][a,b] 上可积的复值函数, 则定义 ffFourier 级数

f(x)A02+n=1Ancos2πnxL+Bnsin2πnxLf(x)\sim \dfrac {A_0}2+\sum^\infty_{n=1}A_n\cos{\dfrac {2\pi nx}L}+B_n \sin \dfrac {2\pi nx}L

其中 ba=L|b-a|=L,且 Fourier 系数

An=2Labf(x)cos2πnxLdx,Bn=2Labf(x)sin2πnxLdxA_n=\dfrac 2L\int^b_af(x)\cos\dfrac{2\pi nx}L\mathrm dx,\quad B_n=\dfrac 2L\int^b_af(x)\sin \dfrac {2\pi nx}L\mathrm dx


特别地,设 ff[a,b]=[π,π][a,b]=[-\pi,\pi] 上可积函数,它的 Fourier 级数为

f(x)A02+n=1Ancosnx+Bnsinnxf(x)\sim \dfrac{A_0}2+\sum^\infty_{n=1}A_n\cos nx+B_n\sin nx

注意,我们只给出了形式,但是并不知道这个级数是否收敛,以及是否收敛到 ff.

# 性质

f^(n)=inf^(n),nZ\widehat {f'}(n)=in\hat f(n),\forall n\in \mathbb Z

# Fourier 级数的部分和

# 部分和

定义:给定 ff 的 Fourier 级数,则它的 N 次部分和

SN(f)(x)=n=NNf^(n)e2πinx/LS_N(f)(x)=\sum ^N_{n=-N}\hat f(n)e^{2\pi inx/L}

# Dirichlet 核

定义:定义在 [π,π][-\pi,\pi] 上的如下三角多项式,称为 Dirichlet 核

DN(x)=n=NNeinx=sin(N+1/2)xsinx/2D_N(x)=\sum^N_{n=-N}e^{inx}=\dfrac{\sin (N+1/2)x}{\sin x/2}

右式是它的显式形式,从中可以得到 DN(x)D_N(x) 的 Fourier 系数有一定的性质。

性质:对于 DN(x)D_N(x) 的 Fourier 系数 f^(n)\hat f(n),有

f^(n)=1,nN\hat f(n)=1,\quad |n|\leq N



ππsin(n+1/2)xsinx/2dx=ππsin(n1/2)xsinx/2dx\int^\pi_{-\pi}\dfrac{\sin(n+1/2)x}{\sin x/2}\mathrm dx=\int^\pi_{-\pi}\dfrac{\sin (n-1/2)x}{\sin x/2}\mathrm dx

# Poisson 核

定义:定义在 [π,π][-\pi,\pi] 上的如下级数,其中参数 r[0,1)r\in [0,1) ,称为 Poisson 核

Pr(θ)=n=rneinθ=1r212rcosθ+r2P_r(\theta)=\sum^\infty_{n=-\infty}r^{|n|}e^{in\theta}=\dfrac {1-r^2}{1-2r\cos \theta+r^2}


这些例子都有 Fourier 级数,但是我们仍然不知道需要什么条件才能使 Fourier 级数收敛,进一步收敛到函数本身。在讨论收敛之前,我们先讨论唯一性。

# Uniqueness of Fourier series

# Uniqueness at the continuous points

Theorem 2.2.1 If fR(S1)f\in \mathcal R(S^1) and nZ,f^(n)=0\forall n\in \mathbb Z,\hat f(n)=0, then


whenever ff is continuous at the point θ0\theta _0


Tips: Contradiction.

Without loss of generality, let θ0=0\theta_0=0, then we hope that there's a family of trigonometric polynomials (to guarantee the periodicity) GnG_n, where

δδGnf(θ)dθ,asn\int^{\delta}_{-\delta} G_n\cdot f(\theta)\mathrm d\theta\to\infty, \text{ as } n\to\infty


Gn0,whenn,θS1[δ,δ]G_n\to 0, \text{ when } n\to \infty,\theta\in S^1-[-\delta,\delta]

for instance

Gn(x)=[G(x)]n=(cosθ+ϵ)nG_n(x)=[G(x)]^n=(\cos \theta +\epsilon )^n

as for complex-valued situation, write f(θ)=u(θ)+iv(θ)f(\theta)=u(\theta)+iv(\theta).

Corollary 2.2.2 If fC(S1)f\in C(S^1) and nZ,f^(n)=0\forall n\in \mathbb Z,\hat f(n)=0, then f0f\equiv 0.

Corollary 2.2.3 Suppose that fC(S1)f\in C(S^1), and

n=f^(n)<\sum ^\infty_{n=-\infty}|\hat f(n)|<\infty


SN(f)(θ)f(θ)S_N(f)(\theta)\rightrightarrows f(\theta)


Tips: Consider partial sum that we can interchange the infinite sum with the integral

g(θ)=limNn=NNf^(n)einθg(\theta)=\lim_{N\to\infty}\sum^N_{n=-N}\hat f(n)e^{in\theta}

So what conditions on ff would guarantee the absolute convergence of its Fourier series?

# Decay of the Fourier coefficients

Corollary 2.2.4 Suppose that fC2(S1)f\in C^2(S^1), then

f^(n)=O(1/n2),asn\hat f(n)=O(1/n^2), \text{ as } |n|\to \infty

so that the Fourier series of ff converges absolutely and uniformly to ff

Moreover, we have more generalized version

Theorem 2.2.5 Suppose that ff is mm times differentiable and f(m)f^{(m)} is piecewise continuous, then the Fourier series of ff is uniformly convergent to ff, that is to say

SN(f)(x)fS_N(f)(x)\rightrightarrows f



where limnϵn=0,ϵn>0\displaystyle \lim_{n\to\infty}\epsilon_n=0,\ \epsilon_n>0.


Tips: orthogonal

Lemma 2.2.6 For fR(S1)f\in\mathcal R(S^1)

12πππf(x)2dx=12πππf(x)SN(x)2dx+k=NNf^(n)2\dfrac 1{2\pi}\int^\pi_{-\pi}|f(x)|^2\mathrm dx=\dfrac 1{2\pi}\int^\pi_{-\pi}|f(x)-S_N(x)|^2\mathrm dx+\sum^{N}_{k=-N}|\hat f(n)|^2

It will be proved at 3.1.